By viewing the videos hosted on the MIPCOM platform, your name, job title and organisation details will be shared with the video content owner who may contact you about relevant goods and services. You can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to the Privacy Centre webform.
Welcome to the MIPCOM CANNES Digital Platform
Start preparing your market
Make sure your participant profile is up to date. Your photo will be required for on-site access.
Update Your Profile
A simple three-step process to be discovered
- Update your bio, and let us get to know you
- Mandatory to upload your photo. It is required for your badge and access to the show.
- Complete your profile to help connect with the right people
Finding People
Make the most of your MIPCOM
- Find and build connections with new people
- Reach out to people using contact details or chat.
- Start arranging your meetings.
Update Company Profile
Are you an admin for your company?
- Update your company's profile to ensure you get the most visibility.
Looking for ways to showcase your programmes & projects to buyers ?
The MIPCOM Digital Content Library is now open for sellers to upload their programmes & projects until October 4 ! As an exhibitor, an umbrella or an affiliate company, you benefit from 3 free content credits.
Need more ? You can buy content credits any time on your company hub.
Buyers will only be able to prepare their playlist from October 7 and screen the content from October 18 until November 25.
Start building your network for the event
Need further assistance?
Check out our step-by-step user guides or get in touch with our team by filling out the Helpdesk Form.